Friday, April 3, 2015

Hello Chicago!

            My Creative Writing professor told the class that writers should always carry a notebook with them and write down at least six observations a day. One never knows which image drawn from their life can be tied into a novel or poem. But since leaving for Chicago for a spring break trip with my mother, progressively weirder events have been occurring around us, too weird to one day be used in even the most abstract of writing. I’m just going to list them off here because I can’t string them together into any sort of narrative for you.

1.    Before our plane even took off, the pilot had to return to the gate because directly behind my mother was what the flight attendants would later describe as an “unruly passenger.” Unruly, in this case, being he wanted to lie down upon the poor strangers next to him and literally stated, “Man, you don’t even know how crazy I am.” He left orderly with the airport security, but not before saying, “I’m not even drunk. This is just who I normally am.” I mean, at least he’s self-aware.
2.    We were grabbing a late lunch in an Italian bistro, when a lady walked in with a dog in a service harness. Hey, that’s her business, but the dog proceeded to set his nose upon our table and sniff at our food before being pulled away by his owner. I caught a glimpse of the brand name on the dog’s harness and googled it. Turns out, the harness is not distributed by any sort of licensed training organization, but can instead can be purchased on the internet for $50. Still, the situation could have been completely legitimate. But keep your dog away from the alfredo please.

3.    We walked into the lobby of our hotel to find a rather large man wearing a fez standing before the front desk. I don’t even know. Do with that information what you will.

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